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[MAKING UNIT 2 ]Tableware

Key word : Dynamic and static+Movable mechanical structure

Project name : <Tableware>

I wanted to create a tableware that would allow another connection to be made between people and food. An interactive structure is attached to the plate so that people can have some feedback on the action of eating. Of course this kind of tableware does not start with maximum practicality.

When you're eating a meatball is there an inner thought: which one of them is bigger? Then you look at them through your eyes and decide the order in which to eat them. This thought of measuring makes me think of scales, so could you combine scales with dinner plates?

The difficulty in the production process is that the shrinkage of the ceramic will give variations in the catch.


I'm thinking about more movable structures, such as the way machines are used in the gym. And what is the connection between these exercises and eating? For example, if you pick up the cutlery before you eat, you open the lid of the food and you can start eating, something like that has some practical connection


Further research

I saw some spoons in London Craft Week

These spoons are joined in an unusual way and are somewhat like spoons cobbled together from other areas. I was thinking about whether we need something in the shape of a spoon of whatever material. Or do we need something that can be used for eating, but in any shape?

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