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[MAKING UNIT 2] Wash hands with you 2--sign language

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

This is the hand after glazed

Then I thought, whether the hand can be changed into different positions.When I draw the sketches, I thought about and sign language some association.

Sign language

I went to check out some information about sign language.I found that the sign language in the process of expressing, not only static hand form, but also combined with some movement, can express some sentences.

The most common form of sign language in the UK is British Sign Language (BSL). BSL is a language in its own right.

:The food is delicious!

This is my sketch

:Have a nice weekend!

This is my sketch

Sign language+Automata

Would a combination with automata be a way to record sign language?

Because automata is also movable.

Make more hands

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