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[MAKING]<OBJECT TO OBJECT 3>--2 research


Updated: Feb 2, 2023



external forces create textures

Jamie Wolfond

Materials such as cement are painted in layers and then

hand-applied with external forces such as hammering/

beating/grinding/blowing to reveal rich textures.


natural materials and artificial finishes

Duccio Maria Gambi

ZUperfici luserna stone ,plastic laminate The combination of stone and

plastic laminates reveals a dialogue between natural materials and

artificial finishes.


mixed materials

John&Kevin Watts

The emphasis on experimentation and craftsmanship is an integral part of their unique aesthetic. The collection consists of a variety of mixed materials, coloured cement/sand/blown glass/polystyrene. Combined into abstract shapes with a sense of texture and organic forms


(1) I can look for texture produced in different environments,either in static environments or momentary texture indynamic environments.

(2) The need to use different materials to show different textures

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